We are in a climate emergency.
It’s not coming in the near future, it’s already here.
It’s not coming in the near future, it’s already here.
On January 25, 2019 at the World Economic Forum, a global movement to solve this crisis was sparked by a speech from a 16-year-old student who decided our survival was more important than going to class.
This film was made to remind people how this movement started and how far we still have to go. Because the house is still on fire. Today, it’s on all of us to finally act like we’re in a crisis and demand immediate action.
See the full video and learn how you can get involved at InCaseYouHaventNoticed.com.
Our team also joined the Climate Strike to declare a climate & ecological emergency.
Putting our money where our mouth was.
Because sitting at our desks and doing nothing felt like a huge mistake.
Putting our money where our mouth was.
Because sitting at our desks and doing nothing felt like a huge mistake.